2022 has been a year full of surprises to say the least. Amongst them would be the emergence of a new extremely talented Latino-American gangster rapper...
When you think of some of the hip-hop greats coming out of Long Beach California, the ones you can never leave out are P-Nice, Donn Johnson...
What is your name and what city do you rep? My Name Is Anthony Darrell, I’m From North Long Beach Ca Tell us about your latest...
Ali Ciwanro is one of the most popular songwriters of our time. The 21 year old artist has good relations with many women in the music...
Listening to music is a different experience for each individual listener. “To some it music is mainly an instinctive, exciting sound to which they dance or...
Q.It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where...
Rene Bonét is a new find for us and she enters the music industry at a time when it’s been experiencing a steady stream of artists...
The path to success is not always easy – just ask aspiring singers, and they will tell you the tiresome, persistent process that has kept them...
Once I learned how to tame my urges, for being chemically dependent on some sort of substance, my life got much better. Sticking to just bud...
There’s never been such a conflict/rivalry than the one between the brothers who are in love with the “Doritos sisters,” and the phenomenal women known as...