
Dylan Santana is a triple threat force to be reckoned with a path for success




The Latino community is known for their strength, hardworking nature and humility. We caught up with a young entrepreneur and author who is making a difference in his community. Dylan, a serial entrepreneur, is a published book author, a youth motivational speaker and model, all under the age of 25.

“The motivation behind my drive is really God and my family,” he said. “Watching them struggle with what they have already been through in life, on top of me seeing myself go through the challenges in life that I face helps me push myself past my limit.”

His mother taught him the importance of working hard, having good work ethics and to never give up will take you far in life.

“Knowing that one day all my hard work and suffering will pay off and I can say I became a man not that just only my family could look up to, but whoever is inspired by my story, and what’s in Luke 1:37: “For with God nothing shall be impossible’’

Dylan Santana was born in Conn., and grew up, N.C.. Over the years, he traveled to a lot of places like Switzerland, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico . He also spent a lot of time in Queens, N.Y., where other family members lived.

Before getting into modeling, he worked at a variety of jobs. Some jobs were physically challenging and low paying, the work was satisfying and provided him the opportunity to hear amazing stories and get a good perspective on life, God, and the importance of gratitude.

Although he didn’t get into modeling and the fashion industry until later in life, his mom told him he would gradually create and develop his own personal style and demeanor over the years, including an interest in hair and clothing styles. She and others suggested he considered modeling.

He applied to be a model at Charlotte Seen Fashion Week, and was chosen by a designer.
Dylan Santana thinks it’s important to always be prepared for any type of shoot, which he does by practicing runway walks, observing his poses in the mirror, visualizing scenarios where he asks the right questions, and making sure to speak in a proper and professional and business tone. Knowledge of the business part of the industry helps, as does having a mentorship and support from a pro modeling teacher.

“I really separate myself from other models by just being me, and knowing who God made me to become,” he said.

Dylan Santana

When he’s not modeling, Dylan Santana enjoys spending time with his family, and with himself, but always with God.

“I have to get better with resting though and self-care,” he said. “I worked and sacrificed so much in life for the goals and dreams I have that I struggle with just resting or even just going to sleep easy. That’s one thing I’m trying to get better at: in life you’re supposed to work just as much as enjoying every moment of life outside of the grind.”

Keep up with Dylan on Instagram @the_great_santana_

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