Billboard Top Hip-hop

Discover the talent ‘Anika Nielsen’ and her exclusive achievements in music industry




Journalist: Hi! How are you?

I am great! Thank you so much for asking!

Journalist: Tell us about your background, what has gotten you to where you are today?

I have been singing pretty much from the time I could talk. Music has always been a huge part of my life and, growing up, I participated in singing lessons and recitals. My senior year in high school, I met my producer, Mark Vogel, while I was singing on stage, and from then on I knew music was what I wanted to pursue full time!

Journalist: Where are you from?

I grew up in Laguna Beach, CA and I have stayed in the same house since I was born! I absolutely love Laguna, and I think that I get a great amount of inspiration from remembering my childhood there. Now I am currently studying in college and still creating music in San Diego!

Journalist: When did you start music?

I have always done music! Seriously from the time I could produce a musical sound I was  singing. My friends, teachers, and family knew me as the girl who was always singing.

Journalist: How did you get into music?

Even though music was always such a huge part of my life, I actually started writing my own songs senior year of high school. It took a lot of hard work to figure out my personal writing process and how I wanted my music to sound stylistically. After some time, I got into a rhythm and began producing song after song. It is truly so rewarding to have the opportunity to create something so personal and to have the amazing support of my family and friends along the way.

Journalist: Who inspires you the most musically?

I don’t think it is always necessarily about who when it comes to my writing. Being authentic to myself and my audience is the thing that is most important to me when creating music. I always try to draw from real experiences that I have gone through regarding friendships, relationships, whatever! I know that it just has to be genuine no matter what. I am a twenty-year-old who is just going through life and documenting her experiences and life lessons through music.

Journalist: What do you want people to take away after listening to your music?

I just hope that in some way people are genuinely moved after they hear my music. Music can bring about a variety of emotions, whether that be happy, sad, angry, etc. I just want my audience to feel something. It is so interesting to me how something as simple as one line or one beautiful note can evoke something so special within us. It is my dream and goal for my songs to provide that for people.

Journalist: Any new music coming out soon?

Yes! I just recently released my first single, “Are You Down” on all platforms, accompanied by a music video on YouTube! I also have a new single that will be dropping in March as well, so keep your eyes out for that! Once again, thank you so much for having me!

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